A wide range of ionic liquids is commercially available. However, they are not universally applicable to all uses. The scientists at RoCo® possess a deep understanding of the relationship between the structure and properties of both ionic liquids and poly(ionic liquid)s. We analyze how the properties of ionic liquids vary based on factors such as side groups, cations, anions, and their symmetry.  


RoCo® has successfully designed and synthesized ionic liquids tailored for various applications, including cellulose solvents, polymer processing additives, electrolytes, and antimicrobials. Our scientists bring decades of experience designing, synthesizing, and testing these compounds. At RoCo®, we specialize in the custom synthesis of ionic liquids and poly(ionic liquids) tailored to meet specific application needs. Our experts have extensive knowledge of how various structural factors—such as side groups, cations, anions, and their symmetry—affect the properties of these compounds. We understand that a wide range of ionic liquids exists on the market, but many are not suitable for every application.  


We ensure that each synthesized compound meets our client’s unique requirements, providing reliable and effective solutions for diverse industrial applications. 

Interested in ionic liquids? Contact RoCo® to learn how we can help you exceed your goals.